5 Timeless Red Beanie Outfits | Red Hat Factory

5 Timeless Red Beanie Outfits

Benjamin Antoni Andersen
Category: Beanies and Style Beanies and Style
| October 16, 2020

There is something about a red beanie that stands out, yet fits well with almost every outfit. Let’s explore 5 outfits that go well with a red beanie, and — if we’re lucky — meet some of each style’s poster children.

#5: A red beanie and earth tones — get grounded

We begin with the simplest style. You can’t go wrong with brown and beige along with the red beanie. Here you even sneak a peek at the blue denim shirt, which we will get back to later on the list.

#4: A red beanie on a black sky — let it shine

Moving even further into the minimalist zone, we’ll explore the breaking point between black and midnight blue. Both of these provide the same result — a maximum contrast for your red beanie. Like a star in the night sky, the red now shines.

#3: Red beanie, army green jacket — Kanye West’s timeless choice

Before we move on to the more bold and iconic color combos, we want to visit one of my all time favorites. Army green.

In nature, the red beanie stands out against the green forest. So when you wear them both, you blend in, the beanie stands out. I think Kanye’s choice of apparel here is from 2017, but we are proponents of timeless apparel — and the red beanie and army green are both as timeless as styles come.

#2: Red beanie, yellow rain jacket — two icons clashing

Yellow has become the iconic color for rain jackets. Red is the same for beanies. Two bright icons together creates a colorful collision.

Thinking of the fisherman beanie as a concept, it makes even more sense. The rain jacket is a fisherman’s working wear, and thus draws out the history of the fisherman beanie in your outfit.

A red beanie with a yellow rain jacket.
Red beanie with yellow rain jacket. Fun fact: The depicted beanie, is the first model we ever made of our Southlander. (Sorry for the low quality picture.)

#1: Red cap, blue denim shirt — the Marvin Gaye, Jaques Cousteau and Steve Zissou choice

They are poster children for the red beanie, and are mentioned a lot in Red Hat Factory stories.

What Jacques Cousteau, Steve Zissou and Marvin Gaye’s iconic outfits have in common is the red/blue contrast, which is one of my personal favorites. If you add the texture of a denim shirt to a well textured beanie — you have an instant classic.

Bonus round: Confidence

Here at Red Hat Factory we are much more interested in seeing what you can come up with.

How you integrate our beanies into your style is way more fun than telling you how to do it. That is why we deliver our hand knit pieces each as a long unfolded tube of wool that you fold yourself.

After all, though it’s a corny thing to say, the best pieces of apparel are the ones worn together with confidence and comfort.

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Written by Benjamin Antoni Andersen
Published on October 16, 2020 in Beanies and Style
Designer and instigator of Red Hat Factory, constantly hungry for mountainous adventures.